Adding an address to a map in Remixer


After adding a map 'Web Section', you can either enter an address as a postal mailing address, or as a place as permitted by Google Maps. For example: Eiffel Tower.

The map 'Web Section' only supports a single address location. If you need to show a second address, you must add another map 'Web Section'.

Adding an address

  1. Add a map Web Section to your page.
  2. Click anywhere on the Map web section, and the Google Map address entry box will appear below the map.
  3. Enter your address, then click the Apply button to save your changes.
    An address box appears on the top left of your map with your address.

How to remove the Google avatar within the map

When adding a map, you may see your Google avatar image on the top right. The Google Profile avatar that shows is only shown in your browser session only and shows if you are signed into a Google account.

Your site visitors will not see your Google avatar or save preferences associated with that account. A Google account is also not required to set up a map 'Web Section'.

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Article last updated PST.

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