Mac Mail — Adjusting incoming and outgoing settings

This article explains how to adjust mail settings for an email address you have already configured. These instructions explain how to adjust the following:

  • Host Name
  • Port number
  • TLS/SSL (on/off)
  • Authentication method

This article uses IMAP examples. View the following article for POP alternatives:


  1. Navigate to Mail > Settings.
    Mac Mail server settings
  2. Click the @ Accounts option in the top bar.
  3. Click the Server Settings tab.
  4. Edit the Incoming/Outgoing Host Name fields to match your DreamHost mail server names.
  5. UN-check Automatically manage connection settings. The Port field and Use TLS/SSL checkbox then appear.
  6. Edit the Incoming/Outgoing ports as needed. It's recommended to use incoming values of port 993 for IMAP and 995 for POP.
  7. Click the Save button when finished.

See also

DreamHost links

Third-party links

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Article last updated PST.

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