Resetting your DreamCompute dashboard password


There are two ways to reset your password:

  • In the DreamCompute panel
  • In the DreamHost panel

Changing your password in the DreamCompute panel

This option allows you to create your own password.

  1. Navigate to the DreamCompute page.
  2. Click the View Dashboard button.
  3. Click your username on the top right
  4. Select Settings from the dropdown.
  5. Choose Change Password in the left menu under Settings.
  6. Click the Change button on the bottom right when you are finished entering the new password.
Please note that it may take a few minutes for the change to take effect.

Let the panel create a password for you

This option creates a random password for you.

Navigate to the DreamCompute page, and then click the Reset My Password link.

A success message displays with your new password.

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Article last updated PST.

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