How to upload and manage images with the DreamCompute dashboard


An image is a single file that contains a bootable operating system on it. Images are used to create instances within DreamCompute. For information about creating image files, see the OpenStack Virtual Machine Image Guide. You can then use the DreamCompute dashboard to upload and manage images in your project.

The following describes how to upload, update, and delete an image using the DreamCompute dashboard.

Before you begin

DreamCompute only supports RAW and ISO images.

Make sure the image file that you are trying to upload in the DreamCompute dashboard is not larger than 2–3 GB, as attempting to do so will likely result in an error message.

Large image files can only be uploaded using the OpenStack command line client. For examples, see the following articles:

Uploading an image

To upload an image to a project:

  1. Navigate to the DreamCompute page.
  2. Click the View Dashboard button to log into your DreamCompute dashboard.
  3. Click the Project tab in the left pane to expand the menu.
  4. Click the Compute tab in this menu to expand it.
  5. Click Images from the list.
  6. Click the Create Image button. The Create Image dialog box appears.
  7. Enter the following values in the Create Image dialog box:
    Image Name Enter a name for the image.
    Image Description Enter a brief description of the image.
    Source Type DreamCompute only supports "File" uploads from your local computer.
    File Browse for the image file on your local computer and add it.
    Format DreamCompute only supports RAW and ISO images.
    Kernel Not supported; leave blank.
    Ramdisk Not supported; leave blank.
    Architecture Not supported; leave blank.
    Minimum Disk (GB) If you want volumes based on this image to always be larger than a specific size, enter that size here.
    Minimum RAM (MB) If you want to require instances using this image to use at least a particular amount of RAM memory, enter that amount here.
    Protected Select whether or not you want this image to be deletable (Note: this setting can be adjusted after later by anyone with access to your project).
  8. Click the Create Image button.

    The image upload process begins. When it is complete, the Create Image dialog box will automatically close.

    If you close the dialog box manually, the upload will be canceled.

Updating an image

To update the properties of an existing image:

  1. Navigate to the DreamCompute page.
  2. Click the View Dashboard button to log into your DreamCompute dashboard.
  3. Click the Project tab in the left pane to expand the menu.
  4. Click the Compute tab in this menu to expand it.
  5. Click Images from the list.
  6. Click the menu button under the Actions column next to the image you want to edit.
  7. Select Edit Image from the list. The Edit Image dialog box appears.
  8. Update the properties in the Edit Image dialog box. You can perform various actions, such as:
    • Change the name of the image.
    • Provide a description for the image.
    • Set minimum Disk or RAM requirements.
    • Specify whether or not you want the instance to be deletable by anyone with access to your project.
  9. Click Update Image once you have finished making changes to save your changes.

Deleting an image

You can only delete an image if you select 'No' when choosing a 'Protected' option. Image deletion is permanent and cannot be reversed.

  1. Navigate to the DreamCompute page.
  2. Click the View Dashboard button to log into your DreamCompute dashboard.
  3. Click the Project tab in the left pane to expand the menu.
  4. Click the Compute tab in this menu to expand it.
  5. Click Images from the list.
  6. Click the menu button under the Actions column next to the image you want to delete.
  7. Select Delete Image from the list.
  8. Click Delete Images in the Confirm Delete Image dialog box to confirm the deletion.

If you want to delete multiple images at once, select the images using the checkbox next to them. Then click the Delete Images button.

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Article last updated PST.

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