AWS CLI commands to manage your DreamObjects data

DreamObjects cluster migration

DreamHost is currently in the process of migrating all DreamObjects accounts to a new hardware platform.

Please review this article to identify the cluster your DreamObjects account currently resides on and the features it supports.


This article lists several aws-cli commands you can use to manage your DreamObjects data. View the following article for information on how to install and configure AWS CLI:

This article contains the following examples:

In the following examples, username would be your Shell user and your website.


Making a bucket

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 mb s3://newbucketname --region us-east-1
make_bucket: s3://newbucketname/


Listing all buckets under a user

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls
2024-04-08 20:14:46 newbucketname

Listing the contents of a specific bucket

Use the following flags to display data about the size of your Objects.

  • --recursive
  • --human-readable
  • --summarize

View the ls page for further options:

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls --recursive --human-readable --summarize s3://my-bucket/
2024-04-08 12:37:51    0 Bytes backups/
2024-04-08 11:43:16  107.1 MiB backups/
2024-04-08 11:43:04   70.2 KiB backups/
2024-04-08 12:36:25    3.9 KiB test.txt

Total Objects: 4
   Total Size: 107.2 MiB


You can use either the cp or sync command to upload files and directories. The difference is that cp will overwrite any existing file or directory with the same name. The sync command will only upload new or changed files.

Uploading a single file

Copying a file

This copies a file named file.txt to your bucket. Make sure to also specify the same name of the file within the bucket file-path. 

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 cp /home/username/file.txt s3://my-bucket/file.txt

Uploading a directory

When uploading a directory, make sure to add the directory name to the s3 file path in your command. For example:


If you do not add the directory path you wish to upload to, the contents of the directory you're uploading will be placed in the bucket's top-level directory.

Using the cp command 

Use the --recursive flag to copy a directory and any subdirectories.

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 cp /home/username/my-directory s3://my-bucket/my-directory --recursive

Using the sync command

This uploads all contents of a directory to your DHO bucket. Subdirectories will only be uploaded if they are not empty.

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 sync /home/username/my-directory s3://my-bucket/my-directory


Downloading a file from a bucket

Make sure to specify at the end, the path and name of the file to be downloaded.

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 cp s3://my-bucket/file.txt /home/username/file.txt

Downloading a directory from a bucket

Make sure to specify at the end, the path and directory of the bucket directory to be downloaded. You must also use the --recursive flag for a directory.

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 cp s3://my-bucket/download-directory /home/username/download-directory --recursive


Deleting an object in a bucket

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 rm s3://my-bucket/file.txt

Deleting all files and directories in a bucket

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 rm s3://my-bucket/ --recursive

Deleting an empty bucket

[user@localhost]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 rb s3://mybucket/

See also

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