Exporting an SSL certificate



This article describes how to export an SSL certificate in the panel by manually copying the certificate and key files to your home computer. You can then create a PEM file with this information.

Please note that there is currently no automated way to export your SSL certificate into a single file. Additionally, only Sectigo certificates can be used on another server. Let's Encrypt certificates only function on the server they were issued to.

Exporting your certificate files

These steps manually create individual files for your certificates.

  1. Navigate to the Secure Certificates page in your panel.
  2. To the right of your domain, click the Settings button.
    Your Certificate, RSA Private Key, and Intermediate Certificate appear on this page.
  3. Click the Copy to Clipboard button next to each and then save them as local .crt files on your home computer. For example, name them as follows:
    • private.key
    • certificate.crt
    • intermediate.crt

Creating a PEM file of your certificates

Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) files contain a certificate, an RSA private key, and intermediate certificates within a single file. These types of files are required by some hosting providers to import third-party SSL certificates. The following steps create a .pem file from the .crt files you created above.

  1. Open a terminal on your computer so you can run the following SSH commands.
  2. Change into the directory where you created the files above. 
    [local]$ cd ~
  3. List all files to confirm you are in the correct location.
    [local]$ ls -la
    certificate.crt intermediate.crt
  4. Run the following commands to add your private key, certificate, and intermediate certificate to a new .pem file:
    [local]$ cat private.key > example.pem
    [local]$ cat certificate.crt >> example.pem
    [local]$ cat intermediate.crt >> example.pem

See also

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