How to access a DreamCompute instance through a console


DreamCompute instances created using the DreamHost-provided images will not have a password set for their default users. This means that you cannot log into these instances via the console without setting a password for the default user. View the following article for instructions on how to do so.

VNC or SPICE is used to view the console output of an instance, regardless of whether or not the console log has output. This allows relaying keyboard and mouse activity to and from an instance.

DreamCompute supports noVNC for remote access to an instance through a console. noVNC is an in-browser VNC client implemented using HTML5 Canvas and WebSockets.

You can access an instance through a remote console by generating a unique URL with the OpenStack command-line client or by accessing the instance properties in the DreamCompute dashboard.

DreamHost support does not have access to your DreamCompute instance. It's highly recommended that you follow the steps in the How to avoid getting yourself locked out of DreamCompute instances article to avoid getting locked out of your instance. If you do not set a user password and your keys no longer function, there will be no way to access the instance.

If you need DreamHost support to troubleshoot your instance, you must provide login credentials for the instance. View the following article for further details.

Using the OpenStack CLI

To access an instance through a remote console, run the following command:

[user@localhost]$ openstack console url show INSTANCE_NAME
| Field | Value                                                                          |
| type  | novnc                                                                          |
| url   | |

The command returns a URL from which you can access your instance.

Using the DreamCompute Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the DreamCompute page.
  2. Click the View Dashboard button.
  3. On the left, click Compute.
  4. Click Instances from the dropdown.
  5. Click on the instance you want to access the console of.
  6. Click the Console tab.

    If your console is not using a GUI, you should be able to interact with the instance from here with your mouse and keyboard.

    If the console does not appear to be responding or you are using a GUI, you'll need to click on the Click here to show only console link.

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Article last updated PST.

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