UpdraftPlus allows you to easily backup your WordPress site to DreamObjects.
Installing the plugin
- Log into your WordPress site.
- In the left menu, choose ‘Plugins > Add New’.
- Search for ‘UpdraftPlus’. Once found click the Install Now button.
- Back on the 'Plugins' page, make sure to click 'Activate' under the plugin.
Configuring the plugin
- Make sure you're on the plugin page.
- Click the Settings link under the plugin.
- On the main page for the plugin, click the Settings tab.
- Configure UpdraftPlus to backup your files and database at the intervals you prefer.
- Under the Remote Storage section choose DreamObjects.
- Enter the following:
- DreamObjects access key: View the DreamObjects Keys article for instructions on how to locate this.
- DreamObjects secret key: View the DreamObjects Keys article for instructions on how to locate this.
- DreamObjects location: Enter the name of the bucket you'd like to backup to.
- DreamObjects end-point: Choose 'objects-us-east-1.dream.io'
- Click the Test DreamObjects Settings button.
- A 'Success' message appears.
- Scroll down and click the Save Changes button.
Creating a manual backup
At this point, your plugin is set to backup at the time interval you specified above. However, you can always backup manually anytime you like.
- Open the plugin.
- Click the Backup / Restore tab.
- Click Backup Now.
- A status bar displays as your backup processes. Once complete, you'll see it in the Existing backups section.
Restore a backup
- Open the plugin.
- Go to the Existing backups section.
- Click the Restore button to the right of the backup you wish to restore.