DreamObjects billing plans

DreamObjects cluster migration

DreamHost is currently in the process of migrating all DreamObjects accounts to a new hardware platform.

Please review this article to identify the cluster your DreamObjects account currently resides on and the features it supports.

Pre-Paid Plans

Prepaid plans are good if you store a lot of data as they offer bulk discounts over usage-based billing. If you exceed your plan’s included storage, then it’s just a minimal fee per month for additional storage.

There are several storage plans available to best match your needs. After selecting a plan, you’ll prepay the plan price each month. If you change your mind, you can upgrade the plan at any time, or downgrade the plan effective your next billing cycle.

The updated prices of prepaid plans are available on the DreamObjects page in the panel. Click the Account tab to view. The charge for downloading is 5¢/GB, but there is no charge for uploading data to DreamObjects.

Usage-Based Billing

Usage exceeding trial limits is charged at Usage-Based billing rates. For example, if you purchase the 200 GB storage plan and store 205 GB, you will see two charges:

  • one for the 200 GB plan
  • and one for the 5 GB of usage-based charges.

Usage-Based Billing means that you’re charged only if you store or download objects. It is best suited for people who have less than 40GB to store.

There’s no per-request charge for API requests. Storage and transfer charges still apply when initiated through the API.

Your DreamObjects bill is based on the largest amount of data you used for the month. For example, if you used 20GB for most of the month, but at some point, you used 25GB, then 25GB would be the amount of storage you are billed for.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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