Creating a MySQL database



The following describes how to create a MySQL database in the DreamHost panel.

Creating a MySQL database

To create a MySQL database:

  1. Navigate to the MySQL Databases page. 
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the MySQL Databases page:
  3. Enter the following:
    • Database Name — Enter a unique name for the database. Database names must be unique across the entire DreamHost system and can only contain numbers, the letters a-z, and underscores _. It is recommended that you pick a name that is long and descriptive. For clarity, DreamHost suggests putting your domain in the database name, such as blog_example_com, instead of a less clear example, such as blog12345.

      It is not possible to rename a database after it's created. The only option is to create a new database and import the old one into it.

    • Use Hostname / New Hostname — Create a new hostname or select an existing one from a drop-down menu. Creating a hostname for each domain is recommended as it makes it easier to track which domain it's used with.

      New hostnames may take up to 4 hours to function due to DNS propagation.

    • New Username —Create a new MySQL user. For security reasons, it is recommended that you have a MySQL user for each database so that any compromised site or credentials cannot be used to access your other databases.
    • New Password — If you are creating a new user, enter a password for that user here. If you select an existing user, this field is disabled.
    • New Password Again — If you are creating a new user, re-enter the same password as above here. If you select an existing user, this field is disabled.
    • Database Comment — Enter an optional description of your database here for organizational use.
  4. Click the Add new database now! button to create the database.


Is it possible to upload an existing database?

No. It is not possible to upload an existing database to the DreamHost panel.

You must first create a blank database as explained in the previous section. Once created, you can then use phpMyAdmin to upload your database file.

Does my database have full privileges?

Not all database privileges are available in a shared MySQL environment. See the following articles for a list of privileges and their availability:

What MySQL server is the database created on if I have a MySQL VPS?

You should only use a single database server for all of your databases. When you purchase a MySQL VPS, it's possible some of your databases could be split between the old shared MySQL server and the new MySQL VPS. To fix this, you merge the databases onto the new server.

  1. Navigate to the MySQL Databases page.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Click the Move my databases! button.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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