Deleting a website user and all of its data


A website 'user' is also referred to as the username assigned to a domain. This is the username you use to log into the server via FTP or SSH in order to update your site. Every website has a user assigned to it, and you can change the user at any time.

View the following article for instructions on locating a website's username:

If you have changed the user of your website or have deleted your website in the panel, you can also delete the user from the server to ensure that all of the user's data, along with any former website data, is also deleted.

Before you delete a user

It's highly recommended that you first back up all user data and then make sure there are no websites assigned to a user that you wish to delete.

Back up all data

To back up any data under the user, log into your server via FTP:

After you log in, download any files and folders you wish to save to your home computer.

Reassign websites to a different user

If a website was previously assigned to the username you wish to delete, it must be reassigned to a new username. You can view the domains assigned to a user on the SFTP Users & Files page. Under the Username / Domain name column, you'll see the username with any domains currently assigned to it.

View the following article for instructions on how to assign a domain to a new user:

Deleting a user

After you back up all of the website data and ensure no domain names are assigned to the user, you can now proceed with deleting the user from the server.

The following steps permanently remove the user's data from the server. It is not possible to retrieve any of this data after you delete it from the panel. Please be sure you've backed up all the user's data before proceeding further.

  1. Navigate to the SFTP Users & Files page.
  2. Click the vertical 3 dots button to the right of your user.
  3. From the popout menu, click the Delete User link.
    If no domains are assigned to the user, a warning message appears confirming the deletion of the user.
  4. Click the Confirm User Deletion button to permanently remove it from the server.
    Once the user is successfully deleted, a success message appears.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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