Moving a domain to a new user



This article guides you through the steps to change the username assigned to a domain on the web server.


When you originally add a domain to your panel as Fully Hosted, you must assign it a username. This is the username on the server assigned to the domain. It's also the same username you use to log into your account via FTP or SSH. However, at some point, you may need to assign a new user, as described in this article.

Changing your domain's username

To change the user assigned to a domain:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Websites page.
  2. Click the Manage button to open the Domain Settings page, which allows you to adjust various settings for your site.
    • If in Grid view, click the Manage button at the bottom of the website box.
    • If in List view, click the Manage button at the far right of your domain name.
  3. Click the Website tab.
  4. Click the Login Info button under Manage Your Site.
  5. Click the Switch user button.
  6. Select the user you want to control this domain from the dropdown.

    Before assigning a domain to a user, consider if the user should be an SFTP or Shell user.

    After selecting the new user, a toggle titled Move files to the new user? appears. If you keep this checked, all files under the current user are copied to the new user. In most cases, this is what you want. The only reason to UN-check that option is if you want a new user without any existing files on the domain.

  7. Click the Save Changes button to save.

If you chose to copy files to the new user, it may take some time depending on how much data there is to move.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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