PuTTY Key Generator is a program that can be downloaded from the PuTTY website here:
View the following article for instructions on a recommended location to save the files on your computer:
Creating the key pair
- Navigate to the directory where you saved the puttygen.exe file and open it.
- The PuTTY Key Generator window displays.
- On the bottom right, click the Generate button.
- Follow the instructions and move your mouse within the blank area to generate random data.
- Click the Save public key button at the bottom to save a modified version of the public key.
Please note that this public key file can not be imported into the DreamCompute dashboard as it is not properly formatted.
- Click the Save private key button to save the .ppk (PuTTY Private Key File) file for use with PuTTY later.
A pop-up displays with the following text:
Are you sure you want to save this key without a passphrase to protect it?
Click the Yes button to save without a password.
- Copy the text in the box titled Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file:
It's recommended that you paste this into a blank notepad file on your computer to ensure you have a copy saved. Otherwise, follow the instructions below to paste/import it directly into your DreamCompute dashboard.