Viewing invoices



The following information describes how you can view your invoices in the DreamHost panel.

Viewing your invoice

Visit the View Invoices page to view them within your panel. The following sections appear at the very top:

End Date — Select the end date of the invoice you want to view in your panel. To see your current open invoice, choose "Current" from the dropdown menu. Keep in mind that this invoice may change as new charges can be added until the end of the billing period.
Number of Months — Choose the number of months that you want to be displayed in the panel.

Click the Display Invoice button, and your panel displays the invoice report based on the choices above:

Panel Billing Invoice 02

The top section of the invoice

The top section includes:

  • your invoice number
  • the statement period of the invoice
  • the total amount due
  • your DreamHost account username
  • your account details
  • DreamHost’s billing address (if you choose to mail in any payments)

The middle section of the invoice

The middle section includes:

  • Previous Balance — The previous balance from the last invoice that has not yet been paid.
  • New Charges — New charges that have been added to your current invoice.
  • New Payments — Payments that you have made to this DreamHost account on the current invoice.
  • Payment Made On — The date you made your last payment.
  • Balance Due — The total amount owed. This includes the current due balance on the invoice as well as any past balances from previous invoices that have not been paid.

The bottom section of the invoice

Under the section titled Charges made to this account, a detailed list appears showing you all charges added to your account on your current invoice. This section shows all payments that have been made during this current billing period.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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