Deleting DreamPress



This article explains how to delete a DreamPress plan. 

Only delete a DreamPress plan if you no longer require it and do NOT wish to downgrade to a different plan.

If you choose to delete DreamPress, the site is NOT moved to another hosting plan. It is removed from your panel, and all files are deleted along with the database. See this article to move the site to a different plan instead.

How to delete a DreamPress plan

The process is slightly different depending on if you have other hosting plans on your account.

If DreamPress is the only plan on your account

If your DreamPress plan is the only hosting plan on your account, you can cancel using the regular account closure process instead. 


  • If canceled within 30 days of signing up, you will receive an automatic refund.
  • If you only delete the plan itself, the account will remain open with an account credit. In this case, a refund will not be processed.

If you have multiple hosting plan on your account

Follow these steps if you have at least one other hosting plan active on your account. 

  1. Navigate to the Manage Websites page.
  2. Click the Manage button to open the Domain Settings page, which allows you to adjust various settings for your site.
    • If in Grid view, click the Manage button at the bottom of the website box.
    • If in List view, click the Manage button at the far right of your domain name.
  3. Click the Dashboard tab.
  4. Click the Change Plan button.
  5. Towards the very bottom of the page, click the Delete DreamPress button.
  6. Click Delete DreamPress to confirm the site and plan's deletion.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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