Viewing your server's software versions



This article explains how to view the versions of different types of software on your server. The following topics are covered:


All commands in this article require SSH. Before proceeding, make sure you have configured a Shell user and can log into your server via SSH.

Security, Vulnerabilities, Patches, Updates

DreamHost only uses 'Long Term Support' (LTS) versions of Ubuntu. This means that while the version does not change, your server is always protected since Ubuntu is continually adding security patches to mitigate any vulnerabilities that are discovered. View the following page for more information about Ubuntu releases and their lifecycle:

Viewing the operating system version

The following two commands display the server's operating system version.

The lsb_release command

Run the LSB (Linux Standard Base) command with the -a flag to view your server's operating system version.

[server]$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy

View the /etc/issue file

Run the following command to view the contents of the /etc/issue file, which displays your server's operating system version.

[server]$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

Viewing the Linux Kernel version

The uname command

Run the uname command with the -a flag to view all kernel information.

[server]$ uname -a

View the /proc/version file

The /proc/version file displays the kernel version as well as information about the GCC compiler used to build the kernel.

[server]$ cat /proc/version

Apache version and status

Run the following to view the version of Apache installed.

[server]$ /usr/sbin/apache2 -v

Check if Apache is running on a VPS or Dedicated Server

VPS and Dedicated Servers can run Apache or Nginx. Run the following command to check if Apache is running.

  • If Apache is running you will see the following output.
  • If there is no output, Apache is not running. Run the Nginx command below to confirm it is running instead.
[server]$ ps -acx | grep apache
17513 ?        Ss    1:06 apache2
24668 ?        S     0:00 apache2
24769 ?        Sl    0:16 apache2

Nginx version and status (VPS and Dedicated Servers)

View the version of Nginx installed

Run the following to view the version of Nginx installed.

Nginx is only available on VPS and Dedicated Servers. This command only shows the version of Nginx installed. It does not confirm if Nginx is running. View the Change your web server to Nginx article for instructions on running Nginx instead of Apache.

[server]$ /usr/sbin/nginx -v

Check if Nginx is running

Run the following command to check if Nginx is running.

  • If Nginx is running, you will see the following output.
  • If there is no output, Nginx is not running. Run the Apache command above to confirm it is running instead.
[server]$ ps -acx | grep nginx
12708 ?        Ss     0:02 nginx
26797 ?        S      0:00 nginx
26798 ?        S      0:00 nginx

Software versions

Run the following commands to view the versions of the following software.

Software Command
[server]$ curl --version
[server]$ gcc --version
[server]$ git --version
[server]$ java -version

Log into your MySQL server via SSH to run this command.

[server]$ select version();
[server]$ node -v
[server]$ openssl version
[server]$ perl -v
[server]$ php -v
[server]$ python -V
[server]$ ruby -v
[server]$ ssh -V

Run the sqlite command to enter its Shell. Type .quit to leave the sqlite Shell.

[server]$ sqlite
SQLite version 2.8.17
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .quit
[server]$ sqlite3 --version

Package versions on all servers

Software Focal Jammy Noble
curl 7.68.0 7.81.0 8.5.0
gcc 9.4.0 11.3.0 13.2
git 2.25.1 2.34.1 1:2.43.0
Java 1.8.0 1.8.0 8u402
Node.js 10.19.0 12.22.9 18.19.1
OpenSSL 1.1.1f 3.0.2 3.0.13
Perl 5.30.0 5.34.0 5.38.2
PHP PHP versions
Python 2 2.7.18 2.7.18 N/A
Python 3 3.8.10 3.10.6 3.12.3
Ruby 2.5.1 3.0.2 3.2
SSH 8.2p1 8.9p1 9.6p1
sqlite 2.8.17 2.8.17 N/A
sqlite3 3.31.1 3.37.2 3.45.1

See also

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