Change your web server to Nginx



DreamHost offers the option to change your web server from Apache to Nginx within the panel for VPS and Dedicated Servers. Switching to Nginx will not affect your website files. They will remain where they are and will not be touched by this change.

Before changing to Nginx, view the Web server performance comparison article for a detailed comparison of Apache and Nginx to ensure Nginx is the best option for your website.

Changing your server

Make sure your site is not dependent on your .htaccess file before proceeding. 

Nginx does not support directory-level configuration files, such as Apache's .htaccess file. This means that if you have previously created a website that uses an .htaccess file, all code within it will no longer function. This could particularly be an issue for certain WordPress configurations. View the WordPress and Nginx article for more information.

If your website depends on certain .htaccess rules to function, review your software documentation for Nginx configuration options. 

  1. Navigate to the Servers page.
  2. Click the Manage button to the right of your server.
  3. Scroll down to the Server Configuration section.
  4. Next to HTTP Server, click the dropdown and choose an nginx with PHP #.# option.
  5. Click the Confirm button at the bottom to save your changes.

See also

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