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DreamHost Knowledge Base
VPS Hosting
VPS Hosting
Virtual Private Server (VPS) overview
Adding a VPS
Changing your VPS hosting or billing plan
Delete a VPS
Migrating websites
Moving users and domains to a VPS
Move a single domain from Shared hosting to a VPS
Manually migrate a domain to a VPS
Migrating all data between two VPS machines
Nginx overview
Change your web server to Nginx
Forcing your Nginx site to load securely
Password protecting directories with Nginx
Nginx configuration file locations
Creating redirects with Nginx
See all 8 articles
VPS optimization overview
Managing your VPS memory usage
Web server performance comparison
Proxy Server and Apps
Using linger with Node.js
Using linger with Gunicorn
Using linger with Ruby on Rails
Restart a VPS
How to check your resource usage on a VPS
Simulating high traffic
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