This article explains how to run Puma with Ruby on Rails using Linger. This combination allows your app to run persistent processes and your services to restart if your app crashes or the server reboots.
This article assumes you have completed the following steps:
- Upgraded to a VPS or Dedicated hosting plan
- Configured a Proxy Server in the panel
- Added a subdomain to host your static assets
- Created a Shell user and are able to log into your server via SSH
Configuring Ruby on Rails
The following steps configure your Ruby on Rails app with Puma, and Linger.
Install Ruby and Rails
Ruby: View the Ruby Version Manager (RVM) article to install a new version of Ruby on your VPS.
Rails: View steps #1-7.3 in this guide to configure Rails. The guide uses the Rails app name of blog, but you can name it anything you like.
Install Puma
View the following guides for steps on installing Puma:
Edit the puma.rb file
Navigate into the following directory:
[server]$ cd /home/username/example.com/blog/config
Edit the puma.rb file to change the default port # to the port you chose when creating the Proxy Server in the panel. This example uses port 8003:
port ENV.fetch("PORT") {8003}
Start the Puma web server
Navigate into the following directory:
[server]$ cd /home/username/example.com/blog/
Run the following command:
[server]$ bin/rails server
To stop the server, press CTRL + C.
Troubleshooting an error
If you get a blocked host error about your app domain, you'll need to add a line to the development.rb file. Navigate into the following directory:
[server]$ cd /home/username/example.com/blog/config/environments/
Edit the development.rb file. Under the config.enable_reloading = true line, add the following:
config.hosts << /example\.com/
Restart your VPS and relaunch Puma. The error should now be resolved.
Install Linger
To install linger under your user, log in to your server via SSH and run the following command:
[server]$ loginctl enable-linger
This command will not respond with any output.
Configure Puma for Systemd user units
This step configures Puma for Systemd user units. View the official guide for further details.
- Create a file named puma.service in the .config/systemd/user directory:
[server]$ nano ~/.config/systemd/user/puma.service
Add the following code to this file:
[Unit] Description=Puma instance to serve application After=network.target [Service] WorkingDirectory=/path/to/your/app ExecStart=/path/to/your/app/bin/puma -C config/puma.rb -e production ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID KillMode=mixed TimeoutStopSec=5 PrivateTmp=true Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=default.target
- Edit the highlighted lines above as follows:
- WorkingDirectory: The path to your website application.
- ExecStart: The path to your puma installation.
If you are using a custom environment for your Ruby/Puma setup, be sure to define your environment directory paths in the [Service] section of your Linger Systemd service file.
[Unit] Description=Puma server to serve application After=network.target [Service] WorkingDirectory=/path/to/your/app ExecStart=/path/to/your/app/bin/puma -C config/puma.rb -e production ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID Environment=GEM_PATH=/path/to/your/.rvm/gem-VERSION@global Environment=GEM_HOME=/path/to/your/.rvm/gems/ruby-VERSION Environment=PATH=/path/to/your/.rvm/gems/ruby-VERSION/bin:/path/to/your/.rvm/gem-VERSION@global/bin:/path/to/your..rvm/rubies/ruby-VERSION/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/APP:/usr/local/APP:/snap/bin:/path/to/your/.rvm/bin KillMode=mixed TimeoutStopSec=5 PrivateTmp=true Restart=on-failure PIDFile=/tmp/puma.pid [Install] WantedBy=default.target
- Enable the user unit for puma:
[server]$ systemctl --user enable puma
- Start the unit with puma:
[server]$ systemctl --user start puma
- Confirm it is running:
[server]$ systemctl --user status puma
Your app's services will now automatically restart when the server reboots or if the application crashes.