Why is my account pending?



This article describes common causes why an account may have a "Pending" status and ways to resolve this issue.

Why is my account "Pending"?

New DreamHost accounts must undergo an approval process before they can use any hosting or registration services. This process checks the signup details to ensure the information is legitimate and to protect against fraudulent accounts. 

When an account's status shows as "Pending" for more than a few hours after signup, this means that the automated approval system was not able to approve the account on its own. There are a few common reasons this could occur:

  • The information provided did not match the credit card details you entered.
  • The signup process did not finish, or you may not have completed the signup form; therefore, only your WebID was created.
  • Your approval may be queued in the automated approval system if there are many other pending new accounts to process at the same time.

How do I fix this issue?

You will need to provide the following information to DreamHost:

If you used a credit card

Provide a photo of the front of the credit card used to open the account. Make sure the cardholder's name, expiration date, and the first and last 4 digits of the card are clearly visible.

Block out the middle 8 digits to help secure your data.

If you did NOT use a credit card

If you did not use a credit card to open your account (e.g., PayPal) and it still shows as pending, please contact support using either of the options described below.

Contacting support

There are two ways to provide this information:

Option #1 — Upload from your panel

Submit a new message at Contact Support where you can attach the above requested document.

Option #2 — Contact Billing through a contact form

If you do not have access to log into your panel, contact DreamHost support using the following contact form:

Scroll down to the How can we help? section. From the dropdown menu, choose I have a billing question.

To attach your photo, upload the file to any of these websites. Then, when replying to support's response, add the link to the image. DreamHost can then download and verify the information. 

My account was approved but is now pending

This usually means you are logged in to a different account. If you need assistance locating the correct account for your domains, please contact support on the Contact Support page.

See also

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