Recovering your account with Multifactor Authentication



This article provides information that helps you recover your Multifactor Authentication account if you lose your device or forget your password.

How to recover your account

You can either use a backup code or reset your password.

Using a backup code

If you lose your Google Authenticator device, you must use a backup code (as shown in step #5 in this article) or contact support to regain access to your account.

Resetting your password

If you forget your password but still have your Google Authenticator device (or a valid backup code), you can still click the forgot password? link on the login page, or visit this page.

When you click this link, a form asking for your email address opens. Once you submit the form, DreamHost sends you a link that you can use to reset your password as long as you still have your second authentication factor available.

See also

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