Is root/sudo access available?



This article provides information about root/sudo access at DreamHost and how to install software if it's not available.


What is root/sudo access?

Root/sudo access grants elevated "administrator" privileges to an SSH user, allowing them to install software or make server-wide configuration changes.

Due to its potential impact, users must exercise caution to avoid mistakes that could negatively affect the entire server.

Is root/sudo access available at DreamHost?

root/sudo access is only available on specific hosting plans.

  • It is not available on DreamHost-managed servers. This includes Shared, VPS, and DreamPress plans.
  • It is available on Dedicated Servers and DreamCompute.
    • Dedicated Servers can set up an admin user and install software using sudo.
    • DreamCompute cloud plans are completely unmanaged meaning you can install any software you like.

Why is root/sudo access not available on managed servers?

DreamHost manages its servers to ensure fast and reliable updates, keeping them secure and stable for all users.

Since root/sudo access allows changes that could disrupt the entire server (and other user's websites) if used incorrectly, it is not available on DreamHost-managed servers.

Installing software without root/sudo access

Most software does not need to be compiled into the operating system directly as root. Instead, you can generally install it to your user's home directory and run it as your non-root user. This can also be a more secure way to run these programs.

Below are a few examples that show how to manage your sites without root/sudo access.

Changing PHP settings

PHP changes (such as the following) can be done using a php.ini file:

Installing PHP modules/tools/frameworks

PHP modules can also be installed locally. See the following for detailed examples:

Addition examples

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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