How to use Bunny CDN with a Third-Party DNS provider



This article explains how to obtain your Bunny CDN hostnames and configure them with a third-party DNS provider.

Configuring Bunny CDN

Follow these steps to configure Bunny CDN DNS values with a third-party provider.


Locate your Bunny CDN hostname

  1. Log in to your account at DreamHost.
  2. Navigate to the Manage Websites page.
  3. Open the DNS Settings page:
    DNS Settings
    • If in Grid view, click the 'vertical 3 dots' button under your domain. From the popout menu, click the DNS Settings link.
    • If in List view, click the 'vertical 3 dots' button to the right of your domain. From the popout menu, click the DNS Settings link.
      The domain's DNS records display.
  4. Obtain the Bunny CDN hostname generated for you (e.g.,

Add Bunny CDN hostname to your third-party DNS provider

  1. Log in to your third-party DNS provider's dashboard.
  2. Locate the section where you manage DNS records (usually called "DNS Management" or "Zone Editor").
  3. Remove the A records for your domain's root and www entries.
  4. Add a new ALIAS record with the following details:
    • Host/Name: @ or leave empty.
    • Value/Target: Enter the Bunny CDN hostname (e.g.,
    • TTL: Use the default or set it to a low value.
  5. Add a new CNAME record with the following details:
    • Host/Name: www
    • Value/Target: Enter the Bunny CDN hostname (e.g.,
    • TTL: Use the default or set it to a low value.

Save and verify

  1. Save your changes.
  2. Allow time for the DNS changes to propagate (this may take a few minutes to several hours).
  3. Follow Bunny CDN documentation to test the configuration.

If your third-party DNS provider requires additional help setting up the CNAME, consult their documentation or contact their support team.

Once configured, your site is ready to deliver fast, reliable performance through Bunny CDN.

See Also

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Article last updated PST.

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