FileZilla Pro


FileZilla is a free FTP program you can use to connect to your website via FTP.

FileZilla Pro is a paid program that allows you to also connect to cloud storage services such as DreamObjects. This article walks you through connecting to your DreamObjects bucket.

FileZilla has also created the following video tutorial that walks you through the process below.

This article assumes you have already configured the following:

Connect using FileZilla Pro

  1. Purchase and install FileZilla Pro.
  2. Launch FileZilla Pro.
  3. Select Edit > Settings... in the menu.
  4. Click S3: Providers in the left menu.
  5. In the Providers section, click the Add button to add a new provider named DreamObjects.
  6. In the Regions section, click the Add button to add a new provider.
    • Click the Name field to edit. Type in us-east-1.
    • Click the Endpoints field to edit. Type in
  7. Click the OK button on the bottom left to save your settings.
  8. Select File > Site Manager... to open up your Site Manager window.
    filezilla pro
  9. In the left pane, click the existing default site name. Then click the Rename button to change it to something you'll recognize, such as DreamObjects. You could also click the New site button to create a new site.
  10. Enter the following in the right pane.
    • Protocol: S3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service
    • Host:
    • Logon Type: Normal
    • Access key ID: You user's Access key
    • Secret Access Key: Your user's Secret key
  11. Click the Connect button.

    If you're on a Mac, you are prompted to save your password. Choose an option and click the Ok button.

    A pop-up displays the server's certificate information.

    The fingerprints in the screenshot above are what you should see when you connect. You can also verify the fingerprints by running the following commands via SSH:

    First, download the certificate.

    [server]$ openssl s_client -connect > dho.cert

    This downloads the certificate into a file named dho.cert. You can then run one of the following commands to view its fingerprint.

    [server]$ openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -inform pem -in dho.cert
    [server]$ openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -inform pem -in dho.cert
  12. Check the boxes for Always trust this certificate in the future sessions and Trust this certificate on the listed alternative hostnames.
  13. Click the OK button.
    You are connected to your DreamObjects account where a list of your buckets display.
  14. Click a bucket name to view its contents.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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