The Dedicated server hostname



This article explains how to locate the hostname for your Dedicated server so you can log in and upload your website.

Locating your server name

To locate your Dedicated server name:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Websites page.
  2. Click the Manage button to open the Domain Settings page, which allows you to adjust various settings for your site.
    • If in Grid view, click the Manage button at the bottom of the website box.
    • If in List view, click the Manage button at the far right of your domain name.
  3. Select the Hosting tab. Your hosting plan and Machine (server) name is listed at the top.

Connecting to a Dedicated server

Your hostname is a combination of your server name followed by For example, if your Dedicated server's name is ds12345, you would use the following hostname to connect:

Logging into your server

You can log into your server using either an FTP client or SSH terminal. View the following articles for information on how to log into your server with either option:

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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