DreamHost’s Affiliate Program (TUNE)



The following provides general information about the TUNE affiliate program.

The TUNE interface

The TUNE interface provides comprehensive information about your affiliate details.


The Dashboard section does not show pending conversions — it only shows approved conversions. Refer to the Reports section for instructions on how to view pending conversions (those still within the 97-day holding period).

When you first sign into TUNE, the Dashboard page appears. It provides an overview of your affiliate account.

  • Quick Stats: shows the Impressions, Clicks, Conversions (approved), Payout (approved), and a Year-To-Date Payout.
  • Recent Notifications: shows any changes to offers or other news.
  • Featured Offers: shows your current offers that are available. At this time, there is only the DreamHost Rewards Tier 1 offer available for new signups. If you feel that you might be eligible for an additional tier, please see the Additional Offers section.
  • Performance: shows a graph of your clicks and payouts for the last 7 days.


There are three options in the Offers dropdown, which are described below.

  • All Offers: shows your current offers. At this time, you will only see the current DreamHost Rewards Tier 1 offer.
  • My Live Offers: shows the same information as the All Offers section at this time.
  • Scheduled Changes: shows any changes to offers. This section will usually be blank unless there is a scheduled promotion running.


There are three options in the Reports dropdown, which are described below:

  • Performance Report: shows all different types of metrics. You can set custom report options and filters and save them to be viewed under Saved Reports later. This section will only show approved conversions. Any pending conversions will not show up on this report.
  • Conversion Report: shows all approved conversions and pending conversions, including payouts. You can set custom report options and filters and save them to be viewed under Saved Reports later.
  • Saved Reports: shows all your saved reports where you can access and edit them.


There are four options in the Tools dropdown, which are described below:

All tools are considered advanced and some might not work with your current offer and/or may result in loss of tracking. Use with caution or contact affiliates@dreamhost.com for more information.

  • Ad Groups: allows you to manage your ad groups or set up a new ad group.
  • Mobile App: allows you to download the "Publisher Dashboard Mobile App".
  • APIs: allows you to set up APIs for TUNE. Please refer to TUNE’s API Documentation.
  • Pixels/Postbacks: is reserved for specific partners. Please contact affiliates@dreamhost.com for more information.

My Account dropdown

There are five options in the My Account dropdown, which are described below:

  • Account Details: shows your account details. You can edit this information by clicking the pencil icon next to the User Details or Company Details sections. You can change your password by clicking the Change Password button.
  • Payments: opens TUNE Pay, where you can change your payment settings and see payment details.
  • Settings: allows you to change the language displayed on TUNE.
  • Notifications: shows any notifications sent from the affiliate team.
  • Contact Support: opens up your default email client and begins a message to affiliates@dreamhost.com. You can also email affiliates@dreamhost.com directly with any questions.

Offer information and the tracking link

Navigate to Offers > All Offers and you will see the Offers section. When you click the Name (DreamHost Rewards Tier 1), the Offer page opens.

Your Tracking Link

The Tracking Links section is where you can customize your tracking link and you can simply use the provided link to start referring. There are additional parameters that you can pass to track how your conversions are doing. The following describes each one:

  • Source — a non-unique parameter that can be used to track the source of the link. This is commonly used to track where the link is placed. It can be up to 255 standard alphanumeric characters.
  • Add Creative — used to add a creative file to the link. This includes banners that can be used to promote DreamHost.
  • SubIDs — non-unique parameters that can be used to add additional metrics to a conversion. SubIDs are often used to note specific conversions for optimization.
  • Click ID — a unique identifier that can be used to track specific individual clicks or sessions in other tracking systems.
  • Unique ID — similar to click IDs, these are additional unique identifiers that can track specific clicks or sessions in other tracking systems.
  • Deep Link — if you are interested in deep linking, please reach out to our support team for more information.

Offer Details

The Offer Details section shows the details of your current offer. The expiration date is always pushed back. Limited offers may be available at a future date during limited-time promotions and will have a hard expiration date.


The Payout window shows the default payout for the offer. The payout shows a default of $0 as this is the payout for any conversions that do not match the payout structure. You can see the payout structure by clicking on the Payout Structure Name.

Using your Tracking Link

Once you have set your additional parameters, you can start sharing your tracking link and bringing in conversions. See the Affiliate E-Book to learn more about how to create a successful affiliate campaign.

Rewards Tiers

The Rewards Tiers table describes how much of a reward you'll earn for each of DreamHost's products:

Affiliates reward tiers

Additional Offers

Additional Offers and promotional discounts are not available to new affiliates. While DreamHost has different tiered payout structures, these are reserved for affiliates who have brought in a consistent and considerable amount of conversions. If you feel that you have brought in a decent amount of conversions, send an email to affiliates@dreamhost.com for more information.

Further information

Make sure you review the following important information about the affiliate rewards program.

97-day holding period

Review this article to learn more about the 97-day holding period.


Affiliate links come under the Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines of endorsements. Additionally, DreamHost affiliates are required to clearly disclose on their website that they are earning commissions for their reviews or the traffic coming to DreamHost from their site. Failure to do so may result in removal from DreamHost's affiliate program and cancellation of commissions in addition to being penalized by the FTC.

Disclosures must appear on any page that has a review, recommendation, comment, or article that promotes a product or service for which you receive compensation. You cannot claim that you do not receive compensation if you accept payment through an affiliate program.

Do not use vague or obscure language in your disclosure: it must be immediately apparent that you may collect compensation for your review or rating.


  • Clear Disclosure: This blog contains DreamHost affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission if you purchase DreamHost services through my link without any extra cost to you. This commission helps me keep the site running. Thank you for your support!
  • Unclear Disclosure: Websites need $$$ to operate. We may receive compensation for your purchases through our link, but we are totally unbiased and do not make falsified representations for the services, claiming them to be something they’re not.

Learn more about the FTC disclosure requirements here. Follow these tips to make sure you’re in compliance:

  • Place the disclosure high on the page/email/and so on.
  • Evaluate the size, color, and graphics of the disclosure in relation to the rest of the content. If someone can miss seeing it, you’re doing it wrong.
  • Account for viewing on different devices: your disclosures should be responsive and still visible/prominent on mobile.
  • Don’t bury the disclosure or distract from it with other media.

Your disclosure must be immediately evident to a typical visitor who views a review, ranking, or endorsement. A visitor should not need to scroll, click, or hover to learn that you receive compensation.

Affiliate restrictions and responsibilities

See DreamHost's Terms and Conditions page for complete information about Affiliate restrictions and responsibilities.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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