Previewing your site with a temporary domain



This article explains how to view your site at DreamHost before pointing its DNS by using a free temporary subdomain.


If you are transferring your site to DreamHost, you will eventually need to point your DNS to your DreamHost site so it loads online from your DreamHost server.

However, before you point the domain's DNS, it's important to test your site out at DreamHost to ensure it's functioning correctly. You can do this using a subdomain.

Additional options

You can refer to the following links for more information about using a hosts file or accessing a database:

  • Hosts file option — See this article instead if you'd prefer to use a hosts file to view your site.
  • Database — See this article if you also need to access a MySQL database before pointing DNS.

Option 1 — Uploading your site 

Uploading a site is the recommended option as it works with any website. The steps below upload your website directly to the subdomain using an FTP client.

  1. Add your domain to the panel (
  2. Add a new subdomain (
  3. Upload the website and database content to the domain.

    Update any database URLs if you use a site like WordPress (described below).

  4. Visit the site to confirm it is functioning correctly. You can then proceed with uploading the content to your actual site ( and pointing your domain's DNS records to DreamHost.

WordPress sites

If your site is running WordPress, or contains absolute links (full URLs to your site), you must manually update those links in order for the site to function on the subdomain.

For example, if your site is, all links in the database point to this URL. After uploading your website to, you must then update all links in the database to point to this new URL. If you do not, clicking a link will redirect you to the live website instead. See this article for instructions on how to update the URLs in a WordPress database to point to the new subdomain.

When you're ready for the site to go live, you need to update the database URLs back to the original site URL ( once again.

DreamPress sites

DreamPress sites have their own staging site you can use as a temporary domain. See this article for further information.

Option 2 — Using a Mirror

This option uses the Mirror service in the DreamHost panel to view your domain from a different URL.

This option only works with simple sites where the following are true:

  • Your site is not using an SSL certificate. This is because the Mirror option is unable to authenticate an SSL certificate that's assigned to another domain name.
  • Your site does not contain absolute links (full URLs to your site)

To proceed with this option:

  1. Add your domain to the panel (
  2. Add a new subdomain (
  3. Upload the website and database content to your actual site (
  4. Create a Mirror on the subdomain that Mirrors

Waiting for the DNS to update

It may take up to 6 hours for this newly-created mirror to update, but once it does, you'll be able to use the mirror at ( to view your domain at DreamHost (

If you confirm the site looks and operates as it should, you can proceed with pointing your DNS records to DreamHost.

Do not try to visit your site at DreamHost by its IP address, as the IP address is for the server, not the website. If you visit the IP, you’ll see a Site Not Found page.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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