Add an email address


This article explains adding a fully hosted email address to your domain.


You must have an active hosting plan, or a paid email add-on plan to add an email address.

The DNS for your domain must also be hosted with DreamHost.

Adding a new email address

A fully hosted email address has an active mailbox that you can log into to send and receive messages.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Email page.
  2. Click the Create Email button.
  3. Select your domain from the Select a domain dropdown under Email Address.
  4. Enter the name of your new email address in the text box that appears.
  5. Select Fully Hosted Email under Mailbox Type and click the Continue button.
  6. Enter a mailbox name (this can be your name or something that describes the mailbox's purpose).
  7. Click the Generate strong password button to generate a password (or enter one of your own choosing if you prefer).
  8. Click the Create Email button at the bottom of the page to save the new information.
    A success message displays.

How long until the email address works?

First address added to a domain

If this is the first email created for the domain, the domain will need some time for the mail record DNS to propagate, which can take up to 6 hours for each record. During this time, messages sent to your user will be rejected with a bounce notification containing the following error:

Recipient Address Rejected

Until the DNS resolves, the messages sent to your user will continue to be rejected. However, your user should be able to send messages even when the DNS has yet to resolve. 

Addition address added to a domain

If your domain is already configured with email addresses, the newly created address should be fully active within 15 minutes of it being created.

Forwarding email

Newly created email addresses cannot forward to another inbox. They can only receive mail sent directly to them.

If you previously configured an email address to forward to another inbox, this feature will remain active until the address is edited. At that point, you will need to select between forward only or fully hosted.

Logging into your email address

There are two ways to log into your email address.

  • Webmail
  • Email client


Webmail is the easiest option to log into your your email address. Visit the following link to log in:

View the Webmail overview article for further information.

Email client

An email client (Mac Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird, iPhone, Android) offers more control over managing your email, but you must first configure it manually. The following article guides you through the general configuration process.

View the following section for a list of the most common email clients:

To quickly find your email settings in the panel, open the Manage Email page and find the Help link in the upper right. Click the text to open the Email Client Setup instructions for your email address:



If you have a large number of addresses already created, you may see an error message that reads:

“Your account cannot create additional e-mail addresses at this time. 
This is usually a temporary situation and should be resolved within 24 hours.
Please contact Support if you have any questions.”

If you get this message, please contact support.

Internet standards email addresses

Internet standards specify that you create the following specific email addresses, which every domain should have and use for the following purposes:

Address Purpose Contact for any email issues. This should exist for any domain that has email service. Contact for any website issues. This should exist for any domain that has a website or http service. Contact for any DNS issues. This should exist for all domains since they all use DNS for everything. Contact for any "inappropriate public behavior" related to the domain.

Deleting an email address

To delete an email address in the panel:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Email page.
  2. Click the Manage button to the right of your email address.
  3. Click the red Delete button, then click it once more to confirm the deletion request.

See also

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Article last updated PST.

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