Advanced Topics / Customization
API (Application Programming Interface)
Cron Jobs / Crontab
Custom Scripts
- Git overview
- Set up a Git repository
- Pushing your DreamHost Git repository to GitHub
- Pushing your local Git repository to a DreamHost server — Linux & Mac OS X
- Pushing your local Git repository to a DreamHost server — Windows
- Using Git for web development
.htaccess Customizations
- .htaccess overview
- What can I do with an .htaccess file?
- Force your site to load securely with an .htaccess file
- Password protecting your site with an .htaccess file
- Deny access to a site with an .htaccess file
- Create a site maintenance message with an .htaccess file
HTTP Headers
Software Installations
Programming Languages
Server configurations
Subversion (SVN)
- Subversion overview
- How do I create a Subversion repository?
- Backing up your SVN repository
- How do I load a dump file into my Subversion repository?
- How to connect to a Subversion repository
- Using Subversion for web development
UNIX commands
- UNIX commands overview
- Unix permissions overview
- UNIX commands — Changing permissions
- UNIX commands — Changing ownership
- UNIX commands — Compressing directories and files
- UNIX commands — Decompressing files